Thursday, 13 October 2011


Opening: Jolly music behind, non-diegetic (soundtrack rather than a theme tune); creates a happy, lively atmosphere. Use of Major keys: no heavy instruments like drums. Split screen of characters all smiling, women have perfect hair and make-up. They wear jewellery and have perfect haircuts showing they have the time to make an effort.
Long establishing shot shows huge amount of space. Huge buildings made of polished glass highlights the amount of money within this city. Camera makes them look like we are flying over Texas in a helicopter, makes audience wonder whether characters own the helicopter. Season 13 of Dallas’ opening, no introduction to characters as audience is familiar with the characters faces. Starts with a huge explosion: suggesting that Dallas isn’t just a normal town; characters lives are exciting. Also suggests greed of the family; they want more oil (more valuable to them than gold). See the helicopter that in the original trailer, the camera was placed in, suggests that they are wealthy and own the helicopter which the audience only assumed within the original trailer.

DALLAS 2012: COMING SOON TRAILER: Non-diegetic minor chords to create a tense atmosphere. Drums to create suspension/tragedy. Dark lighting suggests drama. Establishing shot of a white house within a green field emphasises the wealthy family. Title cards give answer to characters question, ‘all this time my family has been fighting over oil and for what, ‘Money’. Bobby is now established as the good guy/ the “moral compass”. Viewings have fallen, family is falling apart. Become too greedy and needy, losing friends. Drama comes from closeness of family, but falling out over money.

Scenes within Dallas
Scene one:
opening shot of a huge white door, instantly showing wealth and status. Calming/soothing major chords, suggests romance with no tragedy.  Both characters are wearing clean, cream clothes, again highlighting the class. Non-diegetic score becomes minor keys, suggests to the audience that something is about to happen. Camera cuts to inside of the car, suggesting a car accident/ death. Music reaches a crescendo (climax) audience are aware of their aims.

Scene two: last scene in Dallas: Woman is sleeping in full make-up. Shows they are fake and into their appearance. Non-diegetic score is very morbid, but becomes a few calming chords. All 12 seasons were a dream. Wears a long dressing gown. Room is all tidy and everything is ordered, suggests she can afford people to come in and clean it.

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