Thursday, 13 October 2011

Dallas 2012 Trailer

  • Establishing shot. slow pan of a city with lots of roads. Non-diegetic minor chords open the shot creating a very tense atmosphere.
  • Cut to each scene with a fade of blackness. Dark colours symbolise "dark" actions. Negative images.
  • Cut to, close up of J.R.'s hand (0.07 seconds) wearing a solid gold watch shows wealth and class. Sat in a chair opposite a huge window, however light is still dim. He supports blue pjs and a gold coloured cover, suggesting his importance within the soap.
  • (0:08 seconds) Cut to Man stood up wearing a suit, suggests class, buisness man. Interested in money. MCU on face to suggest there is no way out. Audience can grasp emotion on his face. 'and for what?'
  • Cut to a title card that says 'MONEY'- card answers the question so the viewers are automatically aware of the problem. MES= A huge field, lots of space emphasises wealth again.
  • (0:10 seconds) Cut to Shot revearse shot, shows conversation. Non-degetic drum beats suggest tension within the two characters portrayed. Camera become Symmetrical composition. MCU to again enforce the emotion and hatred between the two characters.
  • Cut to another title card, "POWER". Key words add drama to the trailer.
  • (0:16 seconds) Cut to LS of two character speaking. In a living room with one little light on, suggests hiding from something. Woman is wearing a dress suggests that she takes care of her appearance. Cut to CU of characters face. Her hair is perfect with the perfect make-up, shows she takes pride in her appearance.
  • (0:17-0:18 seconds) Cut to a black out, suggests that the issue (climax) has hit a new point. Keeps audience interested.
  • "I don't want them to be like us" cut to an over the shoulder shot of J.R. His face is lit up from one side with a serious expression. Enhances his importance within the storyline.
  • Fast pace editing through numorous shots, which the audience only get a glimps of. suggests that the family are becoming out of control. Fast paced, non-diegetic drum beats. (The beats match the editing)
  • (0:23 seconds) Cut to another establishing shot of a white house, contrasting with the green field. Looked after, suggests that they can afford help to clean the house and the surrounding grounds. Fast tracking pan towards the house.
  • (0:40 seconds) Intertextuality of the original score of 'Dallas'. Brand Identity, audience are familiar with this score, and so can gain brand loyalty.
  • Cut to a title card at the end (0:554 seconds) with loud non-diegetic sounds, again the re-appearance of the original 'Dallas' score. Targeting the adult audience who are familiar with these conventions.
  • Stereotypical cow boy with a hat and riding a horse in a huge field at the end, references to the soap being set in Texas.

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